
Monday, March 28, 2016

The ONE THING I need right now...

You could probably view this post in one of two ways: 1. A shameless plug, or 2. A cry for help. Both may very well help me accomplish the task at hand.

Nearly three years ago, my husband answered the call into full-time ministry with Newton Christian Church in Newton, KS. This was the culmination of a long, trying and yet rewarding process. He had already left his very lucrative career to return to Bible college and pursue this calling (you can read about this chapter in our lives in the previous posts "Can He, Will He?" and "First Fruits"). After months of prayer and consideration, we chose to say YES to Newton, KS!

Nearly three years ago, my husband had never lived outside the same rural county in southwest Missouri his entire life. We had deep connections with family, friends, church and community. We left these connections behind in hopes of creating new ones in the place the Lord would have us. Although difficult to leave, the thought of expanding our circle was exciting! But even with the hope of new friends and a new community - especially a new faith community - there was still grieving the loss of what once was.

Nearly three years ago, I couldn't tell you how much I would miss them. I miss spontaneous coffee dates with Christy. I miss crafting until 2am with Liz, Lori, and Charanda. I miss making ministry happen with Reg & Rhonda. I miss meaningful conversations about faith and life with Rob & Tammy. I miss making music with Bryce, Caleb, Steve, and Terry. I miss dropping everything to take lunch to Mindy or deliver a snack to Cheryl. I miss talking about babies, and kids, and education, art, and you name it with Izzie and Darcy. All these things have changed. Life is different now - but many of these things I've been missing have been reimagined!

Nearly three years ago, I couldn't tell you how much I would need all of YOU! Like how I love late night decorating sessions with Cari & Lisa or Lavonn & Adrienne. And toddler play dates with Chantel, Heather, and Hannah. I still get to make music, but now it's with Shawn, Clint, Joe and Jason. Those conversations about life and faith and family still happen, but now it's more often with Nicole, Brandi and Tori. But let's get to the point. I mention all of this to tell you the ONE THING that I miss the most - the ONE THING that not having anymore leaves me tired and weary. The ONE THING I would say I need right now...

A like-minded, unified strategy for raising my children who are a blessing to others as they become followers of Christ who bring glory to Him.

I heard someone recently quote Dietrich Bonhoeffer's idea that theology is best done in community. I unashamedly take that a step farther to say the theology of parenting is best done in community.

Why on earth would we attempt such a feat without seeking purposed, intentional support from our faith community?! Just as much as we should lean on our brothers and sisters in Christ to help us unravel the mystery of the Gospel and the scriptures in such a way for it to change the way we live, we should be leaning on each other to teach our children to do the same.

"Christians need other Christians who speak God’s Word to them. They need them again and again when they become uncertain and disheartened because, living by their own resources, they cannot help themselves without cheating themselves out of the truth. They need other Christians as bearers and proclaimers of the divine word of salvation. They need them solely for the sake of Jesus Christ." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

But PARENTING? That gets a little touchy, doesn't it?

There isn't a more loaded question than, "Hey, are you going to sign up for our parenting class?"

The looks on people's faces is more like I'm saying, "Your kids are horrible, and should be more like mine because I have everything figured out and obviously you don't or else I wouldn't ask you to join a parenting class. After all, parenting is the most natural thing in the world and if you don't already have it all figured out (like I do) then you obviously need a remedial course on the topic. The world would be a better place if you just learned how to put your children in theirs."  

But I'm not asking you to just come to a parenting class. I'm asking you to join a faith community of parents who have the same information and tools and who together can use them to raise a generation of spiritual champions!  

Can you join me? Please join me!  I need you on my team.  My KIDS need you on my team.  Lord knows I'm not going to get it right all the time - YOU can help me.  You can help MY kids.  My kids need big brothers and sisters in Christ who are looking out for them too.  We can do that for each other.

Imagine if more people in the life of your child had the same mindset and expectations when it comes to raising them up to be respectful, productive, reliable members of society that exhibit the love and grace of Christ to the world around them. Life would be supremely easier and absolutely more joyful if you had other adults investing in the lives of your children that you trust to uphold the standards and values you have for them.  It's not a fantasy. It can be a reality.  I lived it. Nearly three years ago.

But what about today? Who wants in on this parenting adventure together?  It's been many years since I studied the principles we are about to unfold on Sunday nights at Newton Christian Church. Many years and many children later!  Can you help me? Can we do theology of parenting together in community?  I need YOU.

Interested?  "Parenting from the Tree of Life" Class begins THIS SUNDAY (April 3rd, 2016) at 6pm at Newton Christian Church. Let me know you are IN! 

Find more information and RSVP HERE!