Hello, my lovelies!
I'll be taking my time - going OFF GRID (literally to a cabin in the woods by a large body of water with a generator and a well pump with limited cell signal and no wifi). Books, food, birds, trees, breezes, card games, giggles, naps - GLORIOUS.
I pray you are able to have a few relaxing moments as well over the next week. Even if it's just a hot bath during naptime. Here are some specifics I'd like you to ponder and even start writing about.
1. YOU ARE AWESOME! You are awesome because God made you IN HIS IMAGE. During our get-to-know you game, many of you told us what makes you feel awesome. Maybe it was teaching, or parenting, or helping people. I need you to think of ONE TIME in your life where you knew - THIS is what God created me to do, I was MADE for this. It might have happened in college, at home, at work, in church, in an emergency situation, or during a vacation. The basic events and details leading up to and resolving from that moment will be the first story I want you to write. Start outlining it now. The hardest part might actually be being able to recognize that moment you are even looking for. Take your time, ponder and pray about it. He will reveal it to you!
2. GOD IS AWESOME! Because we are made in HIS image - what part of GOD's character (give it a name) was in you for you to be AWESOME? I shared that I identified with God the CREATOR. Maybe yours is healer, loyal friend, warrior, peacemaker, parent, prophet, teacher - the list goes on and on. I not only want you to name it, but find in scripture where we learn about this characteristic of God (list book, chapter, verse). Soak in the scriptures. Maybe you already know a story about God that you relate to, maybe you haven't a clue! This is where our networking group can become so important. None of us thinks we have it all figured out, ask questions! Our goal is to not only get to know ourselves, but each other and ultimately God, Himself!
To recap...
1. Think of one life event to share with the group where you knew "I WAS MADE FOR THIS!" Tell us the STORY, give us details!
2. Name what part of God's character was IN YOU to make that event possible and tell us where the bible teaches us about this characteristic of God.
This is your first REAL ASSIGNMENT!!
God speed!
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
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FYI: I'm going to start dishing out bonus points for comments on my extremely witty and relevant 90s/2K pop-culture references. |
I've been vague. But I tried being direct with a friend yesterday about all of this and she said, and I quote... "Whoa. I need time to choke this down."
EXACTLY - that's WHY I've been giving you bits to chew on instead of shoving the entire already-cold-and-now-soggy-fish-stick-of-self-evaluation down your throat because I've refused to let you out of the highchair that is your own naivete until you GET IT.
*awkward silence*
Maybe likening you all to a stubborn toddler is not the right way to approach this (it's not, but watch me). NO ONE wants to eat the cold, soggy, fish stick because we literally have to "choke" it down. But....we might actually enjoy a warm crispy one if its delicately served to us in small bites on a spoon that somehow mysteriously resembles an exciting form of air travel. So yes. I've been teasing you a bit.
"Open your mind...."
"Open your mind...."
"This is wonderful...."
"You are going to like it...."
"Open your mind...."
"Here it comes....."
Is your mind open yet? Do I need to circle back and take a second approach? Possibly. So here goes.
- God made you.
- God made you in His image.
- Part of who God IS is inside you, part of HIS IMAGE.
- Do you know yourself to see the BEST in yourself?
- The BEST of yourself is GOD's image in you.
- Do you know God enough to SEE His image in you?
- God did NOT put ALL of Himself into any ONE person, but JESUS.*
- We are NOT God. We are NOT the savior of the world.*
- We need each other to be ALL THAT GOD IS for His Kingdom on earth.*
*Many more thoughts on these points to come!!
Monday, March 13, 2017
One Bite at a Time
I just can't get too far ahead of myself.
My idea seems so big - too big to chew all at once.
So in an attempt to avoid the overly-knawed-indigestible-wad of ideas that will inevitably be discreetly discarded into Grandma Mima's napkins...
We are going to take this slow. One bite at a time.
So, I'm first going to share with you my original response to the previous post because that's where this whole idea began (I promise for all you reds out there, I will try to move quickly onto the points that bring all this together - bear with me).
In the I Believe study from IF:Gathering, the one I linked last time (and you can find it HERE if you haven't done it already), the headliner is, "I BELIEVE God is the Maker of Earth and All that is Seen."
Following the teaching in the book they offer three simple response questions which I mentioned in the previous post.
IF you believe this is TRUE, what does this mean about:
1. God:
2. Yourself:
2. The World:
Here is what I had to say... (typed as-is from my chicken scratches in the book)
What does this mean about GOD?
God's work He declares GOOD = God loves quality and excellence.
What does this mean about yourself?
Believing in God the creator is where I can most easily see myself to be made in His image. Creative, accomplished, decisive, lover of quality, striver for excellence. He chose ME to bring him glory in THESE areas. How HUMBLING (and amazing)!
What does this mean about the world"?
No one can deny the Creator God. No one has excuse. We must worship and one day ALL WILL worship the Almighty God!
It was uncanny - I looked at the first list and I saw myself like never before, in all my redness, right there in front of me. But it wasn't me - it was GOD IN ME. Me, made in HIS Image. It made me PROUD to say I can "get sh* done" because that's how He made me. But he didn't make me to be ALL of him. He didn't make any of us to be ALL of him. That's why we need each other so badly.
So, yea. Maybe he did give me a little more get-it-done than you (or maybe you have even more than me). But there have been countless times I've felt ashamed at what I didn't have. Frankly, He left out some pretty important stuff.
Compassion? Nope.
Empathy? Nada.
Those are some pretty BIG things for a "good Christian" to have. So many times I've burdened myself, blaming myself, thinking that I wasn't what God called me to be because the "feelings of others" are just never anywhere near the front of my mind. Like EVER. (Granted, it's a skill you learn after having your foot surgically removed from your mouth a certain number of times - I can do it, but its not the way I'm CREATED). And MAN did I feel guilty - A LOT.
That all changed when I looked at this list. I was so humbled that God would model me after the CREATOR part of His being. So instead of be ashamed of what I'm lacking, I know I just need to rely on HIM (and on His people) to help me grow in this area - to add this to my character. And what He gave me was exactly enough. I could stop feeling guilty about what I wasn't and start feeling empowered by what I was - HIS creation.
So, the first bite I really already asked you to take, is whether or not your know yourself. The second is equally, and possibly more important...
Do you know God? Do you know Him well enough to identify what parts of Himself are put together in the unique way that makes YOU?
I found my list of qualities in the story of Creation. In what other amazing stories that show us glimpses of God's character can you find your personal makeup?
This is the challenge - don't do it just for this "book" do it for yourself:
***Put together YOUR list of God's characteristics that are evident and natural to you.***
If this seems so vastly unknowable - do the hard work. Get in the Word, read His stories, get to know yourself by getting to know the Father Himself.
{A final note: Being able to know what parts of God are in you will help you figure out the first of your stories I want you to tell (don't worry, I'll go first). Think about that one time, that one thing that you did or that happened to you when you knew, "I was MADE for this!" It can be because of an accomplishment at work or in sports, or success over an obstacle or knowing how well you handled defeat. The circumstances don't have to be life changing - relating your simple story and identifying God at work in it is enough to change the lives of those who hear it.
Yes, the stories we all hold close of loss, or suffering, or even victory over insurmountable odds are the stories we wish we didn't have (or may make us feel insignificant if we don't) - that's not what I'm looking for right now. Yes, those HUGE moments define us, but we don't begin and end with them - we are shaped by all the little things too. I challenge those of you with BIG stories - think of something small. I challenge those of you who think you have NO story, you do.}
My idea seems so big - too big to chew all at once.
So in an attempt to avoid the overly-knawed-indigestible-wad of ideas that will inevitably be discreetly discarded into Grandma Mima's napkins...
We are going to take this slow. One bite at a time.
So, I'm first going to share with you my original response to the previous post because that's where this whole idea began (I promise for all you reds out there, I will try to move quickly onto the points that bring all this together - bear with me).
In the I Believe study from IF:Gathering, the one I linked last time (and you can find it HERE if you haven't done it already), the headliner is, "I BELIEVE God is the Maker of Earth and All that is Seen."
Following the teaching in the book they offer three simple response questions which I mentioned in the previous post.
IF you believe this is TRUE, what does this mean about:
1. God:
2. Yourself:
2. The World:
Here is what I had to say... (typed as-is from my chicken scratches in the book)
What does this mean about GOD?
God's work He declares GOOD = God loves quality and excellence.
What does this mean about yourself?
Believing in God the creator is where I can most easily see myself to be made in His image. Creative, accomplished, decisive, lover of quality, striver for excellence. He chose ME to bring him glory in THESE areas. How HUMBLING (and amazing)!
What does this mean about the world"?
No one can deny the Creator God. No one has excuse. We must worship and one day ALL WILL worship the Almighty God!
It was uncanny - I looked at the first list and I saw myself like never before, in all my redness, right there in front of me. But it wasn't me - it was GOD IN ME. Me, made in HIS Image. It made me PROUD to say I can "get sh* done" because that's how He made me. But he didn't make me to be ALL of him. He didn't make any of us to be ALL of him. That's why we need each other so badly.
So, yea. Maybe he did give me a little more get-it-done than you (or maybe you have even more than me). But there have been countless times I've felt ashamed at what I didn't have. Frankly, He left out some pretty important stuff.
Compassion? Nope.
Empathy? Nada.
Those are some pretty BIG things for a "good Christian" to have. So many times I've burdened myself, blaming myself, thinking that I wasn't what God called me to be because the "feelings of others" are just never anywhere near the front of my mind. Like EVER. (Granted, it's a skill you learn after having your foot surgically removed from your mouth a certain number of times - I can do it, but its not the way I'm CREATED). And MAN did I feel guilty - A LOT.
That all changed when I looked at this list. I was so humbled that God would model me after the CREATOR part of His being. So instead of be ashamed of what I'm lacking, I know I just need to rely on HIM (and on His people) to help me grow in this area - to add this to my character. And what He gave me was exactly enough. I could stop feeling guilty about what I wasn't and start feeling empowered by what I was - HIS creation.
So, the first bite I really already asked you to take, is whether or not your know yourself. The second is equally, and possibly more important...
Do you know God? Do you know Him well enough to identify what parts of Himself are put together in the unique way that makes YOU?
I found my list of qualities in the story of Creation. In what other amazing stories that show us glimpses of God's character can you find your personal makeup?
This is the challenge - don't do it just for this "book" do it for yourself:
***Put together YOUR list of God's characteristics that are evident and natural to you.***
If this seems so vastly unknowable - do the hard work. Get in the Word, read His stories, get to know yourself by getting to know the Father Himself.
{A final note: Being able to know what parts of God are in you will help you figure out the first of your stories I want you to tell (don't worry, I'll go first). Think about that one time, that one thing that you did or that happened to you when you knew, "I was MADE for this!" It can be because of an accomplishment at work or in sports, or success over an obstacle or knowing how well you handled defeat. The circumstances don't have to be life changing - relating your simple story and identifying God at work in it is enough to change the lives of those who hear it.
Yes, the stories we all hold close of loss, or suffering, or even victory over insurmountable odds are the stories we wish we didn't have (or may make us feel insignificant if we don't) - that's not what I'm looking for right now. Yes, those HUGE moments define us, but we don't begin and end with them - we are shaped by all the little things too. I challenge those of you with BIG stories - think of something small. I challenge those of you who think you have NO story, you do.}
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Are you In? Here is step one.
Do you know who you are? Like REALLY KNOW who you are?
Self awareness is a gift. If you don't agree I must emphatically argue that you, yourself, completely lack self-awareness. If you were indeed self aware, you would know it's a gift. How can you truly appreciate what you do not have? So, If you do indeed NOT agree, I implore you, O human surviving on mere self-naivete, KNOW YOURSELF.
Take a test, ask your people, figure it out. So again...
Do you know who you are? Like REALLY KNOW who you are?
YES? - Keep Reading.
So WHO ARE YOU? How were YOU created? How has the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-sustaining, God created you to complete his perfect purposes?
Before we put real words to these questions, let's stop here.
Close your eyes and take breath, a deep-cleansing, mind-clearing, soul-soothing breath.
Now, open your heart (and hopefully your eyes so you can read this) and ask God to show you something. Head over to IF:Equip (link below) and take the time to read and respond to this short bible lesson on God, the Creator. Soak in the words, watch the short video and respond to the following questions...
IF you believe this is true what does that mean about...
1. God:
2. Yourself:
3. The World:
When you are ready, Click ----> HERE <---- to access the study. Feel free to leave your responses in the comments, or just keep them close to you. Trust me, you'll have plenty of opportunity to share more on this soon.
You Speak.
"Stop waiting for someone more trained and more eloquent and more astute to speak. You do it. You speak." (Rebekah Lyons, IF:Gathering 2017)
THIS MOMENT was MY MOMENT from the entire IF:Gathering 2017. It wasn't Jennie, or Jill, or Bianca, or Jo, or Ann, or even Ellie. It was THIS. "...You do it. You speak." (Not to mention reading Rebekah's commentary on her instapost about this moment is inspiring in itself.)

I was happy to have the book in hand simply because of its premise. But I was drawn quickly away by my new sister, Annie F. Downs, reading her book, Let's All be Brave. After completing it and being completely inspired, can I just say...
I'm not brave (which ironically is the very first line of Annie's book).
I'm anxious and scared. Terrified, actually.
I think God is trying to tell me something. But the weight of that is really unsettling. I am in no way questioning the message He is sending - but rather if He is truly the one sending it, or if I've just decided to distract myself from things of greater importance. Like my family. The last thing I want to do is overlook those right in front of me for the apparent *more important* work of reaching out to the masses. If I'm to minister to anyone - it's to them FIRST. (However, for the sake of the rest of this post, I am going to assume that this is indeed a message from the Lord - bear with me!)
I just keep noticing these little signs...
Look! Jo Saxton told me, "You are capable of amazing things. Yep, you." And a couple scrolls down on my Instagram feed, Margaret Feinberg says (in such a fortuitously familiar font and color as if they are two parts to a single message to my soul), "Your words could change the world."
Halfway through reading Annie's book, I jumped and confessed when I wrote, That's a lot of me... earlier this week. So WHAT IF? What IF I really tried? What IF I really shared? What IF I didn't hold back - with my family first, my friends next, and maybe even one day a readership? What if I TRY?
Then God spoke to me AGAIN through both authors.
"We walk through seasons that are filled with unmet expectations and potential for radical hope. Career path changes. Fertility Struggles. Illness. And it would be easy to hold quietly to those insecurities, to feign to the world that you are okay, you are in control, you have the power here...That's why we have to start. It's why we have to go first. It's why we have to be brave - so that others will be inspired to be brave as well." (Annie F. Downs, Let's All be Brave)
"Here, story, is the vulnerable sharing of your life experiences with others. It includes everything from the relationships you have with others today to the awkward moments in high school that you can't erase from you memory, no matter how hard you try. Your story includes how and where you grew up and the impact they both had on your life. It also refers to the mistakes you've made along the way. Sharing your story allows others to glimpse how you've been shaped, what matters to you, and why it matters." (Nish Weiseth, Speak)
AND If you happened to read the post I linked above, you might have noticed that Annie's inspiration for what in turn inspired me was from...Rebekah Lyons. The SAME Rebekah Lyons who Jesus used to speak to my soul the first week of February. See? S.I.G.N.S. Like stinking crop circles.
THEN (It never stops, really)
I suddenly had THE IDEA for what I would actually TRY to write about (which, don't worry, I will fully outline soon enough).
I was attending the first week of a 5 week study (from IF:Gathering, nonethless) at a home I had never visited, with a group of ladies I had never met. I was invited by a mutual friend of the host via group text message - which none of the numbers I recognized save one who was unable to attend from the first character sent. And I almost didn't go.
I was quick to agree because the date and time were right, I already owned the study book (though it lay dormant), and Nicole was willing to drive. SIGN ME UP. It was nearly a week later when I began second guessing this hasty decision:
What about my FAMILY? We are so busy - which is a great argument for deciding to make time for a bible study, but its also lends to a compelling case to stay home!
What about my FRIENDS? I have friends right in front of me and on the other end of my phone who need my time and energy too - why take away from them to pour into strangers? But on the other hand, "PEOPLE?! Where? ADULTS?! Take me NOW."
After careful consideration and deliberation with the hubster, the answer was, "It's 5 weeks. Do it for 5 weeks."
I had met the host, Kim, at IF:Gatherings previous and was excited she was opening her home for others to learn how to study about Jesus. SHE IS BRAVE. SHE IS DOING IT. SHE IS AMAZING. She looked at the people right in front of her and asked, "How can I show God to these people?" She has never led a bible study before and here she is DOING IT - because God asked her. And I get to be blessed by our unfathomable God through her and her sketchy AppleTV and her store-bought ChexMix and her tall stacks of mail on the counter in her multi-colored kitchen. Bless. Her.
Long story short (not really, I know), conversation turned to an enlightenment I had received while doing an earlier study from IF:Gathering. I shared, and one of the ladies across from me said, "Wow. That's really deep." AND NOW I WANT TO WRITE A BOOK ABOUT IT!! (I know, I know, you don't even know what that is yet. Hold your horses.)
So there. That's how I got here to THIS MOMENT. And truth be told, I don't really think the world needs to hear my stories. I think the world needs to hear OUR stories. OUR STORIES can blow minds, our stories will open hearts, our stories will change lives! Get ready, You. Yep, You.
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