I want to write songs.
I want to write this blog.
I want to have a book published.
I want to have my songs recorded.
I want to share this post.
I want people to love my book.
I want people to sing my songs.
I want people to read my blog.
I want my book to change minds.
I want my songs to change hearts.
I want my blog to change lives.
I have no clue where to start. At this point, I have no storyboards, I have no score sheets, I have no followers. Right now, all I have is....excuses.
I'm too busy with play dates and practices. I'm too tired with a house full of toddlers and preteens. Aren't there enough books and songs and blogs?
I only have so much to give.
But I still have so much to give.
It's just....buried. In there....somewhere.
I'm working my way through a great book, Let's All be Brave - Living Life with Everything You Have, by Annie F. Downs.

What if?
What if I took my love of writing and actually TRIED to write a book?
What if I took my skill for song writing and actually TRIED to record something?
What if I took all my ideas and laid them out for the entire internet to see?
That's a lot of me - out there for the great big world to see.
I think it's time to be brave.
*For the record. The chapter that has me undone in Annie's book is completely inspired by a book she was reading called, Freefall to Fly - A Breathtaking Journey toward a Life of Meaning, by Rebekah Lyons. And here I am also saying, "Come on, Rebekah. Be my sister. Please and thank you."