
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day ONE.

So, Iv'e been here before. It's the beginning. Day One.

How many days have been firsts? Numerous.  How many times have I started? Countless.

And is doesn't matter really, whatever I'm starting - I can give you a list of potentials, if you like.

First day of school.
First day at a new job.
First day home with a new baby.
First day after a big fight.
First day of a new diet.
First day of a new life.

We've all been there. TODAY, I'm going to do better.  TODAY, I'm going to start.  TODAY, will be different. TODAY is Day One.

A*freakin'* MEN.

{Wait? Can I say that? - Because that's how I feel about it.}

Does it matter what I'm starting? Nope.
Does it matter that I might not finish? Nope.

Each and every day is Day One.  Day One to give glory to God.

Bring it.