My soul has been stirring inside of me for about a year now and in the more recent months has actually been painfully boiling. I say that only to mean that the questions I had and the answers I knew were right there just kept rolling over and over one another building up this immense pressure of hopes and longing to the point where the little kettle that is my life was screaming. All the things I knew about Love and Life and Purpose were at my fingertips, yet I wasn't able to grasp them or make any sense of them at all. The steam built up and up and up until I wanted was to shout "Tip Me Over and Pour Me Out!"
"What a profound thought," I told myself as I settled back to earth from this emotional awakening. I then proceeded into the following thought process:
"What? There is nothing profound about The Little Tea Pot! You are not one of those over-stressed pre-school moms who reads any children's book she can get her hands on (probably within reach of the driver's seat while speeding down the highway with her screaming two-year-old half-strapped into her car seat) in search of spiritual insight that could possibly be worth sharing in her last-minute-mom's-club-devo she had forgotten to prepare even though she was the one who signed her name on the blank line just last month. Now the only thing she's got is a cheesy devotion about a Little Tea Pot. Agh, why hadn't she just signed up to bring the tea?"
But then I thought, "OK, maybe there's something to this." Could this sudden outburst of juvenile poetry really be worth looking into? So I gave it a shot:

Hmmm. Well, since I do in fact reside at a personal altitude of only 5' 3" and my dress size does in fact carry and ID with a number greater than one digit. I would have to say th
at this is true. And the Holy Spirit was so gracious to point it out to me in such delicate terms. But never mind that - that's a personal issue - what else?
"Here is my handle, here is my Spout
When I get all steamed up, hear me Shout,
Tip me over and pour me out."
“No! I can't do this. It's too cliché!”
But who was I to question the Holy Spirit? I was soon resolved to say that I was not going to let one little nursery rhyme deter me from seeing a divine truth! This boiling inside of me was so strong. When I finally found words to express it, shouldn't I assume that those words came from God, Himself?
And really, it's the entire concept of the Little Tea Pot, not the verse itself that carries the real expression of what I need to say. Jesus has been that thing stirring inside of me. The desire to know him is what has me boiling inside. But how did I even get here? Why am I reaching this boiling point now? I think it's because He lit a fire under my butt!
And then He sat there...
and sat there...
and sat there.
I wondered why He sat there. Then I realized that "His eye is on the Sparrow, and I know He watches me," and we also know that according to my grandmother, "a watched pot never boils." so...
How long had He been waiting? How long has this fire been burning? Since I was baptized at the age of 9? Had He been anxiously waiting for me for the next 20 years? Yes! Because no matter how true it might seem to us that a watched pot never boils, how true indeed, is that it surely will!
So here I am with my pants on fire, and all these questions are rolling over and around all the answers I know are there. They are all just in there colliding, yet rolling away from each other and everything seems so cloudy and the friction builds. I have more questions, more illusive answers, and more building, and steam until I can't take it anymore and I begin to whistle incessantly!
No, really. I whistle constantly. I come by it naturally I guess. My father's mother was known for her bird-like song among all the people who lived near to her beloved Ozark Mountain hallow. I was not aware of this until after her passing, but I love to imagine her walking the country roads, whistling the old hymns she loved so dearly, as she stopped to pick up pretty rocks for her garden, or to keep to pass on to me whenever I came to visit. I do in fact remember that as our entire family gathered under the old oak tree to sing those reverend hymns in praise to our blessed creator that her singing soon turned to whistling in beautiful harmony with the voices of her kinfolk. I miss her. But, as you can see, my writing echoes my whistling in that I tend to warble and ramble off course to no rhyme or reason, but I truly know that both give me great strength and comfort on this journey of life.
I began to think about the whistling tea pot. When the tea kettle is boiling and eventually builds up enough steam to shoot it out of the whistle; what do you do when the pot starts screaming? You stop what you are doing, get up, and turn down the heat. Because you, Lord, know that when the water of life inside this stout little vessel is HOT it will no longer remain lukewarm. This is my life, you have purified it with your fire and it is now full of living water that is ready to be used. And here I am screaming it to you, "I AM READY!"
And I will keep screaming (and whistling) until you, Lord, quietly get up from your comfy chair, restfully lay down your daily reading of "Chicken Soup from the Lamb's Book of Life", take off your grandfatherly reading glasses and say with a contented sigh..."She's Ready."
And in your own gentle timing you will remove me from this burning fire, tip my world over. And as you pour out all that you find from this HOT Little Pot into the lives of others...
Filter me with your Word,
Flavor me with your Goodness,
Sweeten me with your Grace & Joy,
And make my aroma Holy and Pleasing to the Lord.
I am ready. Hear me Shout.
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