
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Starting Out

Starting out. Making changes, altering the familiar. It reminds me of the line, "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." That is one of my favorite lyrics of all time.

Starting out. Adjusting your surroundings, Learning new things. So what is this new beginning, what will be the beginning's end?

Starting out. Embarking on a journey, laboring for something better. A new career, a new love, a new life, a new you. All of which come from the end of some old beginning.

Starting out. Do we not live in a constant state of starting something? We start breathing oxygen for the first time at birth, we will start to cease needing oxygen for the first time at death. We start our days, then we start to fall asleep. We start to feel hungry, then we start to feel full. We start to feel lonely, so we start searching for our soul mate.

Starting out. Why do we feel it's hard to start something new? Aren't we constantly changing hour by hour and minute by minute from the time we are brought into this world until the time the Good Lord takes us home? Why do we fear starting out? Why do we fear change? Isn't starting out just a constant part of life?

Starting out. What if we never started anything? Life would cease to exist. And not just physical life - the life we experience, the life that gives us joy would cease to exist. Had I not started to love, my family would cease to exist. Had I not started to think of what could be, my hope would cease to exist. Had I not started to believe, my faith would cease to exist. Had I not started to share my love, my thoughts, and my faith, my joy would cease to exist.

Starting out. What are we afraid of? Tell me. What are you afraid of?

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