The music was to our liking even if we didn't know any of the songs. The communion service was well done and everything seemed easy to "get into." Then the sermon began. Wow. We heard a very impassioned sermon on making the right choices - specifically the choice to accept Jesus and how by NOT accepting Him we are rejecting Him. All good, bold and powerful words.
Then came another passionate plea, "Parents, Parents!"
Ooo, I'm shifting in my seat!
"Parents, Please!"
Is he's gonna do it? He's actually going to do it...
"Parents it is so important that your children believe and serve God."
Ok, Here it comes! Is he really going to do it?
"So get them here!"
"Bring them to Sunday School, Bring them to Jr. Worship (or whatever they called it)"
NO - It can't be...
"Sign them up for church camp..."
No. He didn't...
That was just it...he didn't.
My heart sank into the deep pit that was my stomach. What? That's your only solution, "Parents, bring your kids to us and we will teach them about Jesus?" What about telling parents that GOD SAYS it is THEIR JOB to teach their children about Jesus! Then the parents decide that yes, Sunday School, Jr. Worship, and Church Camp are all GOOD things that will HELP ME, but are certainly not the be-all-and-end-all of my child's faith training. What a let down. I must admit that for about three minutes after that I heard nothing. Nothing but my brain starting to worry for these people. These poor people who have it all together and yet have it all confused.

And, churches...please...please change your message. The faith of the next generation depends not on how awesome your kids programming is, but on how effectively the parents impress the commands of the Lord on their own children. Empower parents, encourage parents, and equip parents to teach their children at home and you will save not only this generation, but many to come.
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