
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Are you In? Here is step one.

Do you know who you are?  Like REALLY KNOW who you are?

Self awareness is a gift.  If you don't agree I must emphatically argue that you, yourself, completely lack self-awareness.  If you were indeed self aware, you would know it's a gift.  How can you truly appreciate what you do not have?  So, If you do indeed NOT agree, I implore you, O human surviving on mere self-naivete, KNOW YOURSELF.

Take a test, ask your people, figure it out. So again...

Do you know who you are?  Like REALLY KNOW who you are?  

YES? - Keep Reading.  

NO? - Click HERE.  And HERE. *mind blown* You're welcome. NOW, keep reading.

So WHO ARE YOU?  How were YOU created?  How has the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-sustaining, God created you to complete his perfect purposes?

Before we put real words to these questions, let's stop here.

Close your eyes and take breath, a deep-cleansing, mind-clearing, soul-soothing breath.

Now, open your heart (and hopefully your eyes so you can read this) and ask God to show you something.  Head over to IF:Equip (link below) and take the time to read and respond to this short bible lesson on God, the Creator.  Soak in the words, watch the short video and respond to the following questions...

IF you believe this is true what does that mean about...

1. God:
2. Yourself:
3. The World:

When you are ready, Click ----> HERE <---- to access the study. Feel free to leave your responses in the comments, or just keep them close to you.  Trust me, you'll have plenty of opportunity to share more on this soon.

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